The Natural
Monument of knives Vigan is one of the protected
natural areas of Fuerteventura least known,
because their access is not easy, as there
is well pavedroads.
(For this reason, and for me, this area does not
have much appeal, so I know more and better).
Features: knives represent geomorphological features of
great beauty and unique ness. They are also an
important refuge stronghold where the vulture, the
osprey and the Barbary falcon, three of the most
threatened raptors in the Canaries. Among highli
ghtsendemic flora of great scientific
value and distribution reduced. Also home
to enclaves of marine fossil fauna of great
scientific interest.
This space is part of what was stated by Law
12/1987 of June 19,Declaration of Canary Island
Natural Areas Natural Park Well Black and
reclassified by Law 12/1994 of
19 December, Canary Island Natural Areas as a
natural monument.
Other protective
equipment: this space has been declared
a Special Protection Area for birds (SPAs)
as laid down in Directive 79/409/EEC on
the Conservation of Wild Birds.This space is by
definition ecologically sensitive area, for the
purposes stated in Law 11/1990 of 13
July, Ecological Impact Prevention.